Non-Liveaboard Slip Lease Rates
Vessel | Term | Paid | Base Rate (Monthly) | Utility Recovery Fee (Monthly) |
Vessels up to and including twenty-five (25) feet in overall length | Annual | Monthly in advance | $185.00 | $7.50 |
Vessels over twenty-five (25) feet in overall length | Annual | Monthly in advance | $185.00 plus $5.00 per foot for each foot, or portion of a foot, in excess of twenty-five feet | $12.50 |
*Vessel length determined as measured at the deck line

Vessels are responsible for applicable electrical usage charges

All vessels are required to be registered in the State of Texas and must have liability insurance coverage naming the Aransas County Navigation District as additional insured.
Late Fees
An additional charge of $25.00 will be added at the time any payment, or portion of payment due becomes 10 days past due. Past due procedures and the applicability of additional late charges are outlined in each slip rental agreement form.
Advance Payment Discounts
Tenants may receive a discount off their total payment due by making advance payments.
Three (3) months in advance: 3% discount
Six (6) months in advance: 7% discount
Twelve (12) months in advance: 10% discount
In order to be eligible for advance payment discounts:
Tenant must not be in default of any terms of any lease or rental agreement with ACND.
Tenant must pay the full amount due in advance for the discount period.
Discounts will not be applied to past-due amounts
Commercial Vessel Discounts
Tenants may receive a discount of twenty percent (20%) on their total payment due for Commercial Vessels.
This discount will be in addition to any discounts applied for advance payment.
In order to be eligible for commercial vessel discounts:
The tenant must provide documentation that the vessel is currently registered or licensed as a commercial vessel with the United States Coast Guard and any other required appropriate agencies.
The tenant must not be in default of the terms of any contract or agreement with the District. If the tenant becomes delinquent in the payment of any monies due the District or fails to maintain compliance with the terms of any District Policy or any other terms of any agreement with the District, the discounted rate will be terminated and the tenant will become responsible for the full rate or charges for use of the District’s facility from that point forward. Such termination of the discount will be made at the sole discretion of the Harbor Master with notice of such termination being given to the tenant under the procedures for providing notice shown in the current slip lease agreement form used by the District.
The tenant’s vessel for which the discount is requested must be the vessel permanently assigned to occupy a slip within the District’s facility.
The tenant’s vessel for which the discount is requested must be on the tax rolls of Aransas County.
The tenant shall pay before delinquency all ad valorem taxes against the vessel for which the discount is requested, provided that if LESSEE is in good faith contesting any of said taxes, they will timely pay such taxes, penalty and interest as the same are finally determined.
The discount offered for commercial vessels will not be applied to charges for “Liveaboards” or to metered utilities.

Attention Transients: Without a reservation, we may not be able to accommodate your vessel.
All three of our harbors are at or nearing maximum capacity. Many slips may appear vacant but are already reserved by boaters en route from other ports. Please call or email during business hours to make a reservation.
Liveaboard Slip Lease Rates
There is a moratorium on liveaboard leases at the present time.
“Liveaboard” situations will be governed under ACND Liveaboard Rules, this rate schedule is applicable only in situations determined by the Harbor Master to be allowable ”liveaboard” situations.
“Liveaboard” authorizations granted after January 1, 2007, will require an annual contract and must be paid quarterly, semi-annually, or annually in advance with no discount applied to the Liveaboard fee (discount still applies to dockage). In addition to standard dockage fees, vessels up to 60 feet in LOA that are granted “liveaboard” authorization will pay the higher of either:
(A.) an additional $110 per month which includes water, trash dumpster use, use of the shower/laundry facility, and electrical service of a single 110v. 30-amp connection OR $135 per month with an upgraded electrical service with a single 220v. 50amp connection
(B.) a Liveaboard fee of $50.00 plus the metered cost of electricity used. The determination of the applicability of which fee schedule is most advantageous to the District and will be applied to an individual agreement, made at the sole discretion of the Harbor Master. In addition to standard dockage fees, vessels over 60 feet in LOA will be required to pay an additional “liveaboard” fee, to be determined prior to docking the vessel.